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Before you are gone....... the Bucket List.

Recently, I have been thinking alot about LIFE and the fact that how fast time is flying......I have seen many a young people leave this life way to soon. Like my dear friend Bushra, whom you see in this picture. She had BIG dreams but lived her life fully; she built schools for the underprivileged (her charity 'Inspire Initiative') , she trekked mountains and she dared to skydive! She was COURAGEOUS and she was an INSPIRATION!

Therefore I have decided to WRITE MYSELF A BUCKET LIST AND I WOULD LIKE YOU ALL TO JOIN IN..... I am sure you have many dreams which you wish to achieve! Think of atleast 5-10

Your dreams are yours and they can be AS CRAZY as you want them to be !! : )

Here is MY BUCKET LIST (though this is not everything) :-

1. Have a full fledged high-end-photography studio with the BEST equipment!

2. KICK ASS in photography ;)

3. Take my daughter to Disney World or Disney Land

4. EXPERIMENT like mad in photography (ofcourse)

5. Make Pakistan Proud

6. Travel to all parts of the world (doing photography ofcourse)

7. Bring lots of joy, excitement, creativity and positivity in my daughter's life

8. Do whatever is possible to help humanity

9. Try to live as long as possible for Alaya


And now it is your turn....... :)

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